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10. Mengatasi masalah bau tak sedap pada coolant
Solusi IndustriOtomotif

Addressing Unpleasant Odors

Metalworking fluid is a liquid that functions both as a coolant and a lubricant in metalworking processes. These chemicals are often referred to as coolant or metal coolant and can also Baca Selengkapnya
machining metal parts
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Machining Metal Part

Machining metal parts in the automotive industry is a crucial process that involves cutting, shaping, and finishing metal components with high precision to meet the stringent specifications required in vehicle manufacturing. Baca Selengkapnya
dryer desiccated coconut
Solusi IndustriFood

Dryer | Desiccated Coconut

The dryer in the production of desiccated coconut is an essential device used to dry grated coconut to a very low moisture content. This drying process is crucial to ensure the Baca Selengkapnya
Clinkerization Process
Solusi IndustriCement

Clinkerization Process

The clinkerization process in the cement industry is a crucial stage in cement production where raw materials such as limestone, clay, and other substances are heated in a kiln at very Baca Selengkapnya
03. Autolubricator foodgrade dengan sertificate NSF
Solusi Industri

Filling Machine Lubricants

In the food and beverage industry, it is essential not only to maintain quality but also to comply with Food Safety ISO 22000 standards and obtain halal certification. The moving components Baca Selengkapnya
04.Girth Gear Grease yang Efektif Mengatasi Keretakannchemicals.com
Solusi Industri

Cracked Girth Gear

The use of girth gears is commonly found in the mining, cement, mineral, and other industries. Frequent use of grease with an asphaltic base often results in a lot of dirt, Baca Selengkapnya
06. Problem Tumpahan Minyak & Oil Absorbent Sebagai Solusinya-Finish Sunting
Solusi Industri

Addressing Oil Spills with Oil Absorbents

Oil spills frequently occur on land as well as in water. Besides making work areas dirty and hazardous, they also cause environmental pollution and disrupt company operations. Oil spills can endanger Baca Selengkapnya
14. Cara mengatasi masalah pada penggunaan Neat oil
Solusi Industri

Addressing Straight Oil Problems

Straight oil is a type of metalworking fluid or pure lubricant oil (100% oil) used without mixing with water or other solvents. This lubricant is also known as neat oil or Baca Selengkapnya
Sand Filter Equipment Problem
Solusi IndustriPalm Oil

Sand Filter Equipment

In the palm oil industry, sand filter equipment is used to filter out solid particles from process water, ensuring clean and clear water quality for use in various stages of production. Baca Selengkapnya
Cold Rolling - Problem
Solusi IndustriSteel

Cold Rolling

Cold rolling is the process of reducing the thickness of steel at low temperatures to improve strength, precision and surface quality. This process found in the steel industry produces steel with Baca Selengkapnya
Screw press & hydraulic coconut milk
Solusi IndustriFood

Screw Press & Hydraulic | Coconut Milk

In the production of coconut milk, screw press machines and hydraulic systems play a crucial role in the extraction process. The screw press is used to separate coconut milk from the Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Debu Batu Bara & Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Coal Dust

Coal dust (fine coal) needs to be controlled in quantity to ensure it is not hazardous to the environment and workers. Several issues such as dust-related diseases like pneumoconiosis arise from Baca Selengkapnya
05. Over heat di genset
Solusi Industri

Overheating Generator Set

In the oil & gas industry, generator sets (gensets) are used as the main electricity supply for drilling and production operations. Given their crucial role, it is essential to maintain them Baca Selengkapnya
03-Problem Grease Hammer Mill dan Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Grease for Hammer Mill

Hammer mills in the animal feed industry are used to break down materials into smaller pieces for further processing. Due to the heavy loads and high rotations, there are often issues Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Depo Station dan Solusinya
Solusi IndustriOil and Gas

Depot Station

A depot station in the oil and gas industry is a facility used for the storage, processing, and distribution of oil and gas products. This depot serves as a connecting point Baca Selengkapnya
Bottle Washing, Filling & Capping Integrated Machines
Solusi IndustriBeverage

Bottle Washing, Filling & Capping Integrated Machines

This machine combines three main processes: bottle washing, filling, and capping. It is highly beneficial in the beverage industry for ensuring efficient, hygienic, and consistent packaging processes. The main advantages of Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Stearing Assembly
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Stearing Assembly

The steering assembly in the automotive industry is the process of assembling the steering system, which allows the driver to direct the vehicle with precision and good control. This process includes Baca Selengkapnya
01. Spill Untuk Tumpahan Minyak
Solusi Industri

Addressing Oil Spills with Oil Spill Dispersant

Oil spill incidents in the sea and surrounding areas can trigger fires and environmental pollution. Both of these issues can result in significant losses for companies, necessitating immediate mitigation to prevent Baca Selengkapnya
Problem utilities
Solusi IndustriAutomotive


In the automotive industry, utilities refer to the infrastructure and facilities that support various production and operational processes. This includes utility systems such as electricity supply, clean water, waste treatment systems, Baca Selengkapnya
02. Mencegah Pipa OCTG Berkarat selama Penyimpanan
Solusi Industri

Rusty OCTG Pipes During Storage

Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) pipes play a cr ucial role in the oil and gas industry. These pipes are typically stored in open areas, exposed directly to heat, rain, and Baca Selengkapnya
Problem exploration drillilng dan solusi
Solusi IndustriCoal Mining

Exploration Drilling

Exploration drilling in coal mining is the process of drilling to explore and assess the coal content underground. The objective is to collect geological data regarding the location, quality, and quantity Baca Selengkapnya
01. Meningkatkan Produktifitas Proses Forming di Industry Otomotif
Solusi Industri

Forming Process

Sheet metal forming is a technology for shaping metal sheets. This technology is widely used in the automotive industry, particularly for producing body components ranging from simple to complex shapes. One Baca Selengkapnya
Bermacam problem Cleaning, ini Solusinya 3
Solusi Industri

Cleaning Rollshop & Maintenance Division

Cleaning chemicals are widely used in the rollshop and maintenance divisions. They are generally used to clean grease and oil during scheduled maintenance. Common problems encountered with the use of cleaning Baca Selengkapnya
Problem production minyak dan gas
Solusi IndustriOil and Gas


The initial stage of production begins with exploration to discover potential oil and gas reserves beneath the Earth’s surface. Once the reserves are located, the drilling process starts to access the Baca Selengkapnya