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Artikel - 01. Cleaning tanpa pemanas (no steam)
Solusi Industri

Problems with Hot Cleaning

There are several issues that often occur during the steel coating process due to inadequate cleaning, one of which is uncoated areas. Uncoated surfaces on the strip can be detrimental to Baca Selengkapnya
11. Mengatasi masalah busa pada coolant
Solusi Industri

Foaming in Metalworking

Foam or froth consists of small bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid. The presence of foam or foaming in metalworking fluids can be a serious issue. Foaming disrupts the Baca Selengkapnya
17. Mengatasi Masalah Sludge yang Mengeras dan Karat Pada Mesin Grinding
Solusi Industri

Addressing the Issues of Hardened Sludge and Rust in Grinding Machines

Grinding technology | Technology | YUTAKA One of our customers encountered two significant issues: hardened sludge and frequent rust formation on the machine used in surface grinding applications for brake disc Baca Selengkapnya
Pentingnya Peran Penggunaan Coating Piston Skirt di Industri Automotive 1
Solusi Industri

Piston Skirt in the Automotive Industry

As one of the main components in an engine, the piston is designed in such a way that it can withstand the explosive forces resulting from combustion and perform translational movements Baca Selengkapnya
Mengatasi Berbagai Coolant Problems di Lapangan
Solusi Industri

Coolant Application Problem Solving

Coolant solution refers to the steps or measuresĀ  required to address various issues that arise in coolant applications (coolant problems) in the field. Below is a list of the mentioned coolant Baca Selengkapnya
Packing process di industri semen
Solusi IndustriCement

Packing Process

The cement packing process in the cement industry is the final stage in the production chain before the end product reaches the consumer. After the cement is produced through the grinding Baca Selengkapnya
03. Mencegah terjadinya kebocoran pada pipa transfer_static_oil and gas
Solusi Industri

Leaking Transfer Pipe

In the oil and gas industry, transfer pipes are used to channel fluids from the site to the plant. Due to their outdoor location, these pipes are constantly exposed to heat Baca Selengkapnya
01. Meningkatkan Produktifitas Proses Forming di Industry Otomotif
Solusi Industri

Forming Process

Sheet metal forming is a technology for shaping metal sheets. This technology is widely used in the automotive industry, particularly for producing body components ranging from simple to complex shapes. One Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Ore Dryer
Solusi IndustriMineral Mining

Ore Dryer

An ore dryer is an industrial device used in mineral mining to dry mineral ores before further processing. This equipment reduces the moisture content in the ore, thereby increasing processing efficiency Baca Selengkapnya
8. Mengatasi masalah bakteri dan jamur pada coolant
Solusi Industri

Dealing with Bacteria & Fungi

Metalworking fluid or coolant for CNC machines that has been contaminated by tramp oil, as shown in the image above, must be cleaned immediately. If not, bacterial problems will arise, causing Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Coolant pada Pembuatan Couplilng Pipa & Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Coolant in Pipe Coupling Manufacturing

The use of coolant or metalworking fluid in the pipe coupling manufacturing process is extremely important. Generally, coupling materials are hard and tough, requiring a coolant with excellent lubrication and cooling Baca Selengkapnya
Solusi Industri

Moss in Cooling Towers

A cooling tower is a water cooling tower used in various industries. It is located in an open space, making it easy for moss to grow. Moss typically grows in the Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Ship Maintenance dan Solusi EON
Solusi IndustriMaritime

Ship Maintenance

Ship maintenance is a crucial process involving routine inspections, repairs, and component replacements to ensure that the vessel operates safely and efficiently. Ship maintenance is key to avoiding costly downtime and Baca Selengkapnya
Coal conveyor pada tambang batu bara
Solusi IndustriCoal Mining

Coal Mine Conveyor

A conveyor in the coal industry is a mechanical system used to transport coal from one location to another during the mining and processing stages. This system consists of a belt Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Debu di Conveyor Crusher House
Solusi IndustriGeothermal

Crusher House

A crusher house in the geothermal power generation industry is a facility used to crush coal into smaller sizes before use. The use of a crusher house aims to improve combustion Baca Selengkapnya
04. Rig Wash yang Aman
Solusi Industri

Rig Wash Problem

A rig is a set of equipment used for underground drilling to extract oil, gas, or minerals. Rigs are divided into two types: Rig offshore (di perairan) dan rigĀ  onshore (di Baca Selengkapnya
Problem Boiler di Industri Panas Bumi
Solusi IndustriGeothermal


Boilers in the geothermal power generation industry are an additional component to generate electricity. Some of the problems that are often found and recommended solutions are as follows. 1. Problem: pH Baca Selengkapnya
Boiler Problem and Solution
Solusi IndustriPalm Oil

Boiler Equipment

Still having boiler problem? Boiler equipment in the palm oil industry plays a crucial role in the palm oil extraction process. This boiler generates steam used to drive turbines and other Baca Selengkapnya
04. Korosi pada Rim
Solusi Industri

Corrosion on Rims

The condition of the rims or wheels of a heavy-duty (HD) truck in the mining industry plays a very crucial role. This is because the core of the production process for Baca Selengkapnya
04 Pemadaman Terhadap batu bara yang sudah terbakar emicals.com
Solusi Industri

Handling Coal Self-Combustion

The handling of coal self-combustion must be done immediately to prevent it from spreading widely within the pile or stockpile. Self-combustion begins with the absorption of oxygen at low temperatures. Generally, Baca Selengkapnya
separator coconut water
Solusi IndustriFood

Separator | Coconut Water

A separator in the food industry, particularly in coconut water production, refers to equipment used to separate various components of coconut water, such as endosperm, water, and fiber. This separation process Baca Selengkapnya
Limestone crusher machine di industri semen
Solusi IndustriCement

Crushing Limestone

Crushing limestone in the cement industry refers to the crucial process of processing raw materials to produce the material used in cement production. Limestone, one of the primary ingredients in cement Baca Selengkapnya
01. Problem Pipa Berkarat Saat Penyimpanan & Solusinya
Solusi Industri

Rusty Pipes During Storage

The presence of rust lowers the quality grade of pipes, making it a serious concern for pipe manufacturers. This issue is exacerbated when storage occurs in open areas for extended periods. Baca Selengkapnya
Problem engine assembly
Solusi IndustriAutomotive

Engine Assembly

Engine assembly in the automotive industry is the process of assembling various engine components into a single unit to ensure it functions perfectly. This stage includes the installation of main parts Baca Selengkapnya