The condition of the rims or wheels of a heavy-duty (HD) truck in the mining industry plays a very crucial role. This is because the core of the production process for coal, gold, nickel, or other minerals is the transportation from the pit to the plant. If a heavy truck experiences rim damage, production capacity can decrease by hundreds of tons per day.
Heavy-duty trucks for transporting mining products
Tires and rims of HD trucks
The most common issue with HD truck rims is corrosion, which shortens their lifespan.
Corrosion problems on HD truck rims
To prevent corrosion or rust problems on rims, the application of EonRim 776 rim conditioner is necessary. It is a water-based chemical that contains anti-corrosion agents. Due to its high water content, this product also helps with heat transfer within the tire and provides a cooling effect. Therefore, the rim conditioner is also referred to as tire coolant.
Success Story
Here is an application of EonRim 776 by one of the mining contractors.
EonRim 776 is added into the tire at the dosage indicated on the packaging. With this application, the corrosion problems on heavy-duty truck rims can be avoided.
Please contact us for a free consultation regarding the solution of your problems.
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