Have you ever experienced the following problems?
- The vehicle engine is hard to start
- The battery indicator light on the dashboard is always on
- The battery quickly deteriorates
One of the causes of the above issues is the formation of corrosion or white crust on the battery terminals, which results in suboptimal current flow. This crust adheres to the positive and negative terminals, characterized by its greenish-white powdery appearance. Initially, there may be only a small amount, but if left unchecked over time, it can accumulate and cover the battery terminals.
The formation of this crust is caused by overcharging. The excessive charging from the alternator to the battery causes the terminals to heat up, accelerating the formation of the white crust. Another cause is loose battery terminals.
To address this issue, it is commonly suggested to pour hot water over the battery terminals. However, this method is not advisable as it can lead to other problems. Official workshops recommend cleaning the battery terminals with a specialized solution to ensure the safety of the battery and surrounding components.
So, how can you prevent the white crust from forming again?
After cleaning the battery terminals with EonCont 182 (battery cleaner), coat them with Protector 183 (battery protector) to shield the battery from corrosion, dirt, and current resistance that can damage and shorten the battery’s lifespan.
Please consult with us for the best results.
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